Virginia Vermiculite LLC

Virginia Vermiculite LLC

Phone: 504-967-2266

Location: 13341 Louisa Rd, Lousia, VA 23093


Products / Services

  • Vermiculite concentrate – grade Medium, R3
  • Vermiculite concentrate – grade Fine, R4
  • Vermiculite concentrate – grade Superfine, R5
  • Vermiculite Concentrate – grade Micron

About Virginia Vermiculite LLC

Since 1978, Virginia Vermiculite operates one of two commercial vermiculite ore operations in North America, at a surface mine in Louisa County, VA. 

Loosely consolidated ore is mined with traditional excavation equipment and pre-sized at the mine site as ore feed that is transported to a beneficiation plant.

Wet screening and flotation circuits concentrate vermiculite particles from rock/gangue content. The vermiculite concentrate is subsequently dried and screened to produce specified industry standard grades 3, 4 and 5 as designated by grain size distribution.

Custom blended ores are available. Packaging includes bulk rail, truck and ocean freight along with 3,000 lbs super sacks.

Company offers value added exfoliated and and milled vermiculite products.

Products are used in UL rated fire proofing articles, insulation, horticulture, agriculture, waste packaging, refractory and molten metal industries.

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