Hemp Sense, Inc

Hemp Sense, Inc

Phone: 204-548-2782

Location: HempSense Inc., Box 9, Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, Canada R0L 0X0


Products / Services

  • Transforms hemp grain and plants into various products refined high-tensile strength and absorptive natural fibers

Hemp Sense, Inc

Hempsense Incorporated is grower and processor of hemp grain and plants. Hempsense has developed unique patented zero waste processes to transform hemp plant stem stock into refined high tensile strength and absorptive natural fibers.

Hemp plant stem stock or straw produces long outer skin fibers and shorter fibers from the core of the hemp straw. 

Natural hemp fibers offer unique absorption and retention properties along with high tensile strength for use in chemical spill abatement, pet litter, livestock bedding, woven textiles and engineered resin composite materials.

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