Mineral By-Product Processing
List of Mineral By-Product Processing Companies Below

Description: produces customized industrial mineral products specially converted from by-product feedstocks of mineral aluminates, carbides, oxides and metal alloys.
Location: 612 South Trenton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Website: http://www.bpiminerals.com/

Maryland Refractories Company, LLC.
Description: Maryland Refractories Company (MRC) processes reject and cleanly spent refractory and ceramic articles into high quality concentrated refractory grogs of consistent mineral chemistry for re-use.
Location: 267 Salisbury Road, Irondale, OH 43932
Website: http://mrcgrog.com/index.html

Network Recycling, Inc
Description: works with petrochemical refineries and assorted industrial manufacturers to provide recycling solutions in addressing both hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams, byproducts and surplus inventory
Location: Suite 515, 5920 – 1A Street SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2H 0G3
Website: https://www.nrirecycle.com/
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